Sometimes you just have to throw out those comfortable clothes

Last week I did something scary.

I got rid of a bunch of my clothes. That is not a scary thing for me because i LOVE to throw things away. I love to clean out my closet. I love for everything to have it’s own space and place in the house. #virgo

BUT what was scary was in that bag of clothes was the pair of pants that I wore literally everyday at the end of my pregnancy. I wore them home from the hospital. I wore them most days after. I wore them and wore them and kept on wearing them. And while yes, it’s nice to have a pair of black pants that go everywhere with you, this was becoming a little excessive.

And the reason was, that they were keeping me comfortable. Comfortably uncomfortable in my post baby body. But it doesn’t have to be a post baby body, it’s just when you know you don’t love how you feel in your body but you haven’t fully gone all in on having that new body.

The pants were there. I ‘could’ wear them. I ‘could’ make them work with most anything. I didn’t have to make sure I was acting fully in alignment with having my leaner body back again. I didn’t have to put on my jeans, or my other pants or clothes. Ugh. It was so depressing. Especially when I have a closet full of clothes I love that I haven’t wore forever. I love clothes! I love shopping for clothes. I love getting dressed up - but I WASN’T.

For me, giving those clothes and specially those pants away was a message to me. I’m done. I’m ready. I AM going to shift this and get back in shape again. And this is all coming from a healthy place. I am not doing anything restrictive or hard or forceful. It IS and WAS a decision to have what I wanted.

June 13 2020.jpg

At some point you either decide to stay comfortably uncomfortable or you decide to get uncomfortable and go through it and get what you want.

I didn’t know what I was going to wear the next day! EEK! But I made it. And this was what happened at the beginning of last week and then I lost 5 pounds last week. Coincidence? There are no coincidences. You just simply have to know you can transform your body. You can mold it, shape it, tone it, slim it down, whatever you want. But you cannot achieve that while staying the same.

So I decided to BE different. And my body followed. Yours does too.

I went on a date night with Heath this weekend and wore a DRESS! I even tried on some of my clothes from before Dash and while they didn’t fit how they did before, I felt motivated and inspired to work my formula instead of defeated. Because I don’t, and you don’t have to be scared about being able to change your body, you just have to decide to show up for it.

I love being healthy. I love eating real food, I love working out. And there is no reason that that doesn’t just all add up and create change. So I’m very happy I’m doing my Plants + Pilates bootcamp with this group and going all in on creating the body I feel the best in.

That’s what it’s about. What body is YOUR REAL body? What body reflects who you really are? What does your body feel and look like when you look in the mirror and smile and say yes, that is me. That’s what we are going for here. And eating plant based, and doing toning work like Pilates is so simple and effective, and it feels so good for your body while you implement and integrate it.

So buh-bye black pants. Hello skinny jeans, or summer dresses or whatever your thing is!

If you want to get in on the Bootcamp, we are starting this week, laying the foundation of how to implement the Plants + Pilates formula, how to build your diet around plants and also CLEARING space in your environment and kitchen to have a fresh start and clarity on what to do, how to do it and make it happen.

Our first Pilates class is tomorrow morning!

Join us here!


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