You don’t have to live with bloating or stomach issues. You don’t have to worry that what you eat might make you feel bloated, sick, give you stomach aches or make you constipated. You don’t need to avoid eating out, going out with friends or on dates because of your digestion.
It’s normal to live a life where those things never happen.
When your digestion is overworked and overburdened, your body shows you symptoms of gut issues but it can and will be reversed so so quickly when you see what’s really happening inside.
Your digestive system has been working day in and day out from the day you were born. It is strong and resilient but what you eat matters, immensely.
Every ingredient you eat either makes digestion easier or harder.
One food is never the problem and real, whole foods, fruits and veggies are never ever the issue. ever.
Knowing this, you have massive control over how your gut works and feels when you see that how you are eating every single meal of every single day matters. It all adds up.
Your body hasn’t betrayed you.
When you start to eat the foods that help soothe your digestion, that are easy to break down and help promote natural elimination, everything starts to flow again.
Your digestive system is actually working the best it can right now
It’s asking you to change something(s) about how or what you’re eating so that it can work well again
Your body is always working for you
Your body responds to every single thing you give it (food, thoughts, emotions, ingredients, information)
You don’t need a food sensitivity test or stool sample, your gut works the same as everyone else’s
You can have your peace of mind back, you can relax with food, you don’t have to be on a strict elimination diet
You can go out to eat and enjoy the foods you love without any symptoms
Trust Your Gut is a 30 day straight to the point reset protocol that helps you heal your digestion with real foods fast
I worked for years as a Registered Dietitian and specialized in digestion and food sensitivities, and it was only going through these issues myself did I realize that I didn’t need a blood test, or prolonged elimination diet, I simply needed to get what the heck was happening and how food worked.
This is for you if you experience:
Chronic bloating
Stomach aches/pains when you eat
Food sensitivities
Skin flares/reactions/breakouts/acne
Fatigue/low energy especially after eating
Stubborn weight loss
Overall feeling inflamed and like you need a reset in your health and body
You will move through my elimination diet protocol using real, whole, single ingredient foods to take the work off your digestion.
A four week gut healing food plan in two phases
Recipes using the foods and ingredients in each phase
Fully understand where your gut issues came from and the foods to eat moving forward
Access to me to answer your questions over the Voxer messenger app to help you move through the protocol and get your questions answered because I get that you need to know what to do and eat as you reset your digestive system
The videos/trainings will guide you through the lesson as well as instructions on what to eat and not to eat in the healing protocol. The content is in a membership site you will get access to once you register below.
You will know what you are doing and WHY and how to address any symptoms if you notice them
You follow the specific guidelines for foods/order of eating and I give you recipes for each phase you can choose from
lifetime access to all the corresponding digital trainings in my membership site consisting of audios, videos, and pdfs/recipes on each subject
You do NOT have to live with bloating, stomach pain, or gut issues, you deserve to feel good all the time. The answers are here. Check out the crazy good almost hard to believe testimonials below :)
Work with me over 30 days to completely reset and restore your digestion, eliminate bloating and know exactly what and how to eat to feel good every single day.
Symptom: skin issues, redness, irritation to clearing up within 3 days. Because: the skin backs up the liver and when digestion is overburdened so is cleansing.
Symptom: SIBO (small intestinal bacteria overgrowth). Massive bloating to feeling amazing within a week. Because: she got clear on why the issue existed, what was feeding it and withdrew those foods therefore it had to go.
Lucy came to me with SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) and constant bloating. Within a week she had huge results, she powerfully shifted her confidence that this was easy to move through and that she knew exactly what she was doing. She has since gone on to eat normally without symptoms!
Symptom: Ulcerative Colitis with a prescription to remove his organ. (um no thank you). Well you can read the message below. Symptoms gone because: the body heals itself, food is medicine, food is powerful and it’s supposed to be easy.
Your body ALWAYS works. Food ALWAYS works. It’s time to understand how your body works so that you can heal, release these symptoms and live the life you are here to live.
See you on the inside,
Work with me over 30 days to completely reset and restore your digestion, eliminate bloating and know exactly what and how to eat to feel good every single day.