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Juice Pulp Burgers!

Holy wow! I used to throw out the pulp and the remnants from my juicing

I had two containers of “pulp” leftover from my big batch of juicing the other day.

Don’t throw away this beautiful fiber!
There is so much nutrient value in the fruits and veggies you juice AND flavor!

My pulp had spinach, kale, ginger, lime, apple, parsley, cucumber 🥒 and celery. But whatever you juice will work!

All you need is a binder!


  1. Make a chia egg (use raw milled chia) with 2 TBSP chia and 3-4 TBSP water let set and gel

  2. Season pulp with salt, pepper, ground garlic and anything else you want to add for flavors. Stir with a fork

  3. Add the chia egg and mix together

  4. Put in fridge to chill if you have timeI made 4 patties from this and used my hands to press the excess water out and there was plenty.

  5. Cook 👩🏼‍🍳 on medium- medium low heat a few minutes each side until browned, I didn’t use oil because I used my new non toxic pan (linked in my Amazon store in profile)

    That’s it! Top however you love, I use butter 🥬, garden tomatoes 🍅 (thanks dad!) and spicy mustard.
    Tell me if you’re going to use your pulp next time and tag me in your stories and recipes! 🥒🥬🌱🍒💧🍉