Meditations for Being Ready for your Baby
Morning Meditation
Listen to this meditation right when you are waking up each and every morning. The key to change is to keep being this new version of yourself over and over, so it’s a practice. As soon as you wake up, you have the choice to choose who you are going to be. When you want to become certain of your fertility and ability to be pregnant, you have to ‘remember’ that that’s who you are now. I made this to help you, please play it any other time you feel off or discouraged to bring yourself right back to what it actually true.
Overnight affirmation track
When you are asleep your subconscious mind is wide open and ready for new beliefs to take in. We know that 95% of your life is based on the programs you are running about who you think you are, and what you believe about certain areas of your life. Use this track to replace old limitations as to why you can’t get pregnant or aren’t getting pregnant and know that once the beliefs are formed, your reality has no choice but to reflect the outcomes of these beliefs to you. Please listen consistently every night for at least a month (I recommend you listen UNTIL you see what you want happening) and do not drink any alcohol because it disturbs your brain and the conditioning you are reprogramming.