Let’s take inventory of what’s going on with your body right now. I created this google form for when I ran this bootcamp LIVE and you can still use the form or just journal the questions out on your own.
Once you complete this, go to the first training below and then reflect on your answers with the questions below the training.
You have all the power. No one is creating your body except for YOU
Your thoughts create your feelings. Your thoughts + feelings combined = the STATE you are in
Your STATE creates your body, you cannot have a light, lean amazing feeling body when your dominant awareness is that you don’t have that
REFLECTING: answer these questions based off what you answered in your questionnaire after watching training one.
How have my dominant thoughts been contributing to the way my body is now?
What are the thoughts I think daily that are keeping me here?
How have my thoughts led to the actions I have been taking in relationship to food, exercise and health
How is this showing me that I AM the one creating this body, I AM the one in control, how is this showing me when I change INSIDE my body follows me?
Now that you can see how you create your own health, use this new questionnaire to help yourself get into the state that you do want with your body and health.
pre-work day 2: mastering the food flow formula
Watch this video, then look at what you've currently been doing and decide what changes to your diet you want to make and commit to for 14 days.
This teaching is about how to eat in a way that keeps your digestion easy and fast that allows more energy for elimination.
Both of these together = weight releasing easily
It's up to you 'how' you want to put your foods together.
You can eat animal protein, this video will show you how to make it work with ease.
Here's what we cover:
How to eat light to heavy
How to choose foods in order
Food combining for faster digestion: DOWNLOAD YOUR FOOD COMBINING GUIDE HERE
From the perspective of believing that foods are intelligent and feeding into health or disease, I do highly recommend omitting the no list foods as they are simply going to take weight loss in the wrong direction. When you want to create momentum, the fastest way is to stop stopping your own internal progress. When you do this work, you will ease your mind as well and that helps you believe that things ARE working inside even before you see all the outside results.
**UPDATE: I personally will sometimes have the non-starchy veggie/animal protein combo at lunch and then go to all plant based dinner. It’s really up to you and listening to your hunger and what your body wants at each ‘meal.’ I also eat fruit in the afternoon between meals when I have a few hours after lunch/before dinner.
Natural Flavors
Sugar/Beet Sugar/All refined sugars
Food dyes
Farmed fish
Citric acid
Artificial sugars
Take your time to watch this, think it through and then make your plan.
pre-work training 3: creating your all-in bootcamp strategy
What you’re doing today is drawing a clear picture of what you ARE going to do and what you ARE NOT going to do with food and exercise (if you feel like adding this) during your 14 day kickstart. Watch the training and then use the prompts below:
Writing your Bootcamp Plan:
What foods have I been eating that I’m opting out of (out of love for myself) now?
What foods am I going to add in?
Is there a way I’ve eaten in the past that I know works for me? (see the bonus MAKE YOUR MOVE TRAINING BELOW)
What will my daily food flow look like?
What do I need to do to set up my schedule to be able to start this now?
Do I need groceries before I start? Go get them.
Do I need to clean out my fridge/pantry? Go do that now.
How will I know at the end of the day if I checked off the markers on my all-in strategy where I’m able to say YES I did what I said I was going to do, or NO I didn’t.
Write a list of the things that will move the needle for you and be your tightened in strategy.
Besides just fruits and veggies, I want you guys to include in your plan, the way it looks when you LOVE it.
I will not create a hard/struggle laden program that you 'have' to do.
Literally everyday I eat what I want. I eat what I love. I eat it in the ways I love. I don't have a strict program, I just honor the foundations I described in the video with digestion and do it my way.
Your plan is simply a level up from what has been happening. You do not need to be a perfect eater. You do not need to go 2 weeks straight without a desert or things you love. This is a bootcamp for LIFE. For lifestyle with food. You can edge your way there.Remember this is isn’t forever, it’s to get you out of rut, to get you moving, to help you FEEL like what you’re doing IS getting you there. Got it?
Maybe taking out all the no list foods and being ALL IN on that is your commitment. Maybe it's no sugar. Maybe it's no alcohol. Maybe it's more or less.
Let's define what is right for you right now.
One other option: Make a 1 week plan and then get really solid with it, and then reassess after this week. It's all possible. This is your life, your body, your eating habits.
It is required that this is FUN for you. It's necessary that it lights you up and feels good. yes the actual literal foods will make you feel good, they always come through for us this way, but also, what makes food fun for you?
If you're going out to eat, plan for it. If you're into cooking, do it in a fun way. Mix it up, change it up, make it doable, loveable and exciting.