You had a baby, or babies, and now you want your pre-baby body back. You want your figure and to wear alllll of your favorite clothes, jeans, shorts, tank tops, dresses, swim suits and to feel confident in your body and to feel like you see yourself in the mirror again.

Because right now?

Right now you’re trying everything you know to do to lose the weight.

You are healthy, you are showing up, you’re not overeating sugar and you workout.

You see yourself as a healthy woman, but it’s like your body didn’t get the memo.

So what gives?

What you are eating is telling your body not to lose the weight.

The foods you eat, the timing you are eating and the workouts you are doing are telling your body to keep the weight right where it is.

You think you’re doing everything right, but if you were, the weight would be gone by now.

You may feel like your body is against you, or it’s because you’re breastfeeding or because of your hormones being different now.

You’re right. Your body IS different, because once you have a baby, the nutrients it needs to feed your baby, to replenish and restore nutrients to your organs after having kids is now a demand by your body, instead of ‘it would be nice if she fed me this.”

Your body isn’t getting what it needs for health.

And your health trumps the weight you want to lose any day of the week. Your body will always prioritize health over ‘would be nice’ conditions like losing extra weight.

All the effort you are putting in to get back into your skinny jeans is missing the mark on giving your cells and organs what they need to create naturally balanced hormones and nourish you after having a baby, even if it’s been a few years.

Your body isn’t a reflection of how much effort or work you put in, it’s a reflection of how well your body is functioning and able to do it’s required jobs, especially at this stage of life.

You’re dedicated and committed to losing the weight and feeling like your best self and your body should be slim, lean and naturally maintaining the weight you feel amazing at. You should be so excited to get dressed up for girls night, or date night with your husband but instead you’re stuck wearing the same black pants or black dress again and again.

You’re tired of the trying and ready to see real results.

You’re ready to see the benefits of your clean eating and workouts.

You’re so ready to see yourself in the mirror everyday again.


Get Your Body Back

The program that shows you how to eat to induce weight loss after having a baby by showing you how to eat for health.

You’ll stop wondering if your meals or “right” or “working” every time you prepare them and instead know exactly what you’re eating, why you’re eating it and how to set up your own daily routine with food customized for you to make baby weight melt off of you, even while you’re breastfeeding.

You’ll be excited to workout because it will amplify and speed up seeing the leaner figure you want.

You will feel excited about each day knowing you are getting healthier and feeling and looking like yourself again day by day.

You will know exactly what your body needs now and to continue to support you as an active, busy mom.

You will confident in your body and know that you are in control of how it looks and feels.

And you will be that healthy, happy mom you always wanted to be, wearing what you want to wear.

This program is going to give you immense confidence in yourself, your body and food and help you feel better than you ever have.

 We start July 8th.

6 dive deep modules to move you from confusion to certainty. From frustration to effortless weight loss. Taking you ‘back’ to the body that feels like you, but now, with even more appreciation for what it has done to help you become a mom.
Investment: $850USD.  On sale for $550 until June 30th

Or, select the $1,000 option to also get a dive deep 1:1 session with me. (and a bonus of Voxer messenger support if you purchase before June 30th).