You want to have a baby? You can.

Fertility is a natural side effect of a healthy body, it’s not meant to be something out of reach for you.

Even if…. you’ve been told: your eggs are old, it will be hard because you have pcos, endometriosis, irregular cycles, you are getting pregnant but staying pregnant or no one can even tell you why or what’s happening.

You’ve done acupuncture, eaten yams, drank the red raspberry tea (or maybe the Chinese black tea like I did) and still nothing.

You’re beginning to wonder if you’ll ever be able to be a woman who buys her own pregnancy test and sees two pink lines on it from the comfort of her own bathroom.

Maybe you’ve already gone down the road of reproductive assistance and know what IUIs, IVF, and a frozen embryo transfer is.

Maybe you don’t want to but fear it’s your only option.

I have been exactly in your shoes (for over eight years) and here’s the best news:

Nothing is wrong with you.

Your body simply is asking you for some support before it can help you get what you want.

Your body is always working and knows what you want.

Fertility happens when everything in the body has what it needs, and there is space for your body to be able to hold this baby, this pregnancy and you all at the same time.

Give your body the nutrients, the foods, the thoughts and beliefs it needs and you will be more than ready to have your baby.

My husband and I went through 8 YEARS! of on and off IVF treatments, cycles, transfers and soooo many shots. One time (not my fault) I put the needle that was meant to go into my hip into my stomach and almost died (ok not really but it was not fun).

I was told the ONLY way I could get pregnant was with IVF.

I had no cycle for most of my life. No cycle = no ovulation = no egg = help.

The last thing I wanted to do was put a bunch of needles in my body, but at the time, I thought it was our only chance to have a family. And if you’re like me, you see yourself as a mom, you never expected to not be able to have a baby or be that couple who travels to Cabo all the time but whose house is very quiet (……and clean lol).

Here’s the thing: I didn’t think this was something I could do on my own. I was a Registered Dietitian at the time and no one in school told me ideas like:

  • “The body heals itself”

  • “There’s a cure for everything.”

  • “Fertility issues are toxin load issues and your immune system fighting something”

And no one especially told me:

You can heal this yourself…..IN YOUR KITCHEN.

But the good news is, what took me eight years, won’t take you very long at all. What I wanted even more than a baby at the time, was to know how my body worked. To never feel AFRAID or SCARED of having a health issue, feeling inflamed, bloated, gross, hormones swinging all over the place again.

I wanted to feel like myself, but to really know how to keep my body strong and healthy, truly healthy (not just lean or skinny) so that everything always worked.

I wanted to feel in control.

I wanted to know it was me.

I wanted to know how food worked.

So one day, a few days before we were due for our fifth frozen embryo transfer, I called my husband and we agreed, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result.


No plan.

Just relief knowing it was the right move.

Plus a conversation I had with God, telling him, he needed to tell me/show me exactly how this all worked and that I would listen and share what I found.

And here we are,

Fertility issues are hard, not knowing how your body works is way harder.

Your body works right now, you just haven’t yet learned how to help it move the stuff out of the way that is stopping you from getting pregnant right now.

I created this program so that you would be the power of your health, body and fertility.

So that when you want to have a baby?

You are READY.

Any moment.

And that you know exactly what was off and how your food and mindset shift everything so that you can go from:

  • I have no idea if I’ll get pregnant

  • I ‘hope’ I can get pregnant

  • I wish I was pregnant

TO >>>>

  • I’m so fertile

  • I can get pregnant any month I want

  • If my husband looks at me, I get pregnant!

It’s your right to have the health you want, and that includes, fertility that allows a baby to come in any time you say YES.

Baby body ready

Is for the woman who wants to:

  • Be able to buy her own pregnancy test and take it in her own bathroom and see those two pink lines

  • Feel amazingly healthy and confident in her body’s ability to carry her baby

  • Fill out her baby registry with all the things she’s dreamed about for her nursery

  • Let her friends and family throw her a gorgeous baby shower

  • Use the little pink or blue clothes and blankets that are already in your closet (yes I know they’re there)

The reality is, you can create anything, you are that powerful. Your body knows how to do this, and if you have the desire to be a mother, then there is a baby for you.

When you give your body what it needs, and help it eliminate anything inside that is holding back the natural flow of health and therefore fertility, everything works on it’s own.

Anything that isn’t full vibrant health gets to be looked at, worked on and worked through so that your body has the easiest time and green light for babies. I stand for you being in your best health and that allowing your body to do its thing with ease. You are bigger than any disease, diagnosis or condition. Everything is connected.

In this program we’ll work together on:

  • Mastering belief in your body and how it works for fertility

  • Creating a diet that gives your body everything it actually needs to make fertility a go whether you are dealing with irregular cycles, no cycle, PCOS, endometriosis, mystery infertility or other hormone imbalances

  • Releasing fears about pregnancy, motherhood or the process

  • Reducing toxin load inside your body and creating lifestyle changes that keep your body clean and clear inside and safe for a pregnancy

  • Releasing all pregnancy related symptoms, conditions, labels, excess weight before you get pregnant so that you feel strong, confident and healthy in your ability to conceive

  • Optimizing your digestion (energy and power) in the body so that clearing symptoms, inflammation and any conditions is fast and easy

  • Confidence in your body’s true ability to be pregnant, carry and deliver a healthy baby and know how to take the best care of your body after delivery

  • Creating your healthiest self now and forever owning your highest potential to thrive in your body

All natural processes stem from a healthy body and mind. You must work with your body to create a safe and ready environment for a baby and dissolve any limiting beliefs that tell you you can’t have this baby.

I waited 8 years for this peanut, and you don’t have to wait like that. When you see how powerful you and your body are, the work is simple.

Dalton was our miracle baby who came after 5 rounds of IVF (our embryo) and was carried by my sister. Dalton came when I allowed myself to have a baby.

Dash came when I fully got how fertility works in the body and my body completely healed and got on board.

I wanted a baby for sure. But what I had have was my good feeling, healthy body first. I wasn’t going to settle for living in my own body in a way that didn’t feel amazing all the time.

We’ll work together to get you baby body ready. This is where you learn to trust yourself, your desires and your body like never before. You’ll never see food or health or your body the same again.


This is a six week coaching program. You will have access to the trainings and group coaching calls in our private membership site.

The group starts on Monday, January 27th. This is when the modules will open.

Each week you will have at least one video module (with homework to do) and one live group coaching call for any questions you may have over implementing the material.

You will be added to a private group chat where you can post comments, connect and ask any questions you have.

You have access to the material for life.

There are 6+ lessons, 6 live group coaching calls and the ability to upgrade to a 1:1 option at checkout.

When you understand how and what your body is doing and showing and telling you, you move from fear to a place of knowing, trusting and power to create this baby.


You want a baby, you get a baby

There’s no such thing as “if it’s meant to be.” When you want something, especially when you know and feel that you have a baby that wants to come to you, it’s time to drop the ideology of this or something better. No - this. Because exactly this is what you want. Own your power, own your desires and realize this is entirely up to you, and that you, your family, the world benefit when you get what you want. Release doubts and worries (no matter where they came from, even smart, credentialed sources) that implied or straight up told you you can’t have this. Drop the pressure of needing to get pregnant, timing, and the stress that trying to conceive can be and make getting pregnant exciting, lovely and inspiring and prepare to be amazed and what starts happening.

The fertility diet that gets to the root

You’re going to make infertility impossible. We’re building the fertility diet, the one that goes straight to the root of your issues and symptoms whether they be PCOS, endometriosis, irregular cycles, missing cycles, ‘unknown infertility’, and thyroid conditions and to clear these things out of the way. Build a healthy diet that is 100% pro fertility without compromising your lifestyle, likes, or anything near ‘making it hard’. Create new confidence and belief in your body’s ability to transform, heal and be fertile because you know exactly what’s been going on and that your diet gives your body what it needs so that it can give you what you want.


Anything going on with your body and health is your fertility issue. Bloating, gut issues, eczema, skin conditions, low energy, weight to lose, are all clear messages from your body that these things are slowing down your fertility. Fertility is an overflow energy for your body, to get pregnant, you need to support your body with where it is right now and make health easier inside. When you start to remove internal inflammation, you are instantly shifting energy to go towards fertility and getting pregnant. Whether you have any symptoms or not, you will learn how to help your body move more quickly into the state of being truly healthy and ready for a pregnancy.

prioritizING pregnancy

Your fertility is determined by how physically safe it is for an embryo to implant. This is where you tip the scale from not getting pregnant or infertility issues to full free flowing health where fertility is a natural side effect. Remove what’s in the way, what’s already in your body with my eating methodology based on how your body is naturally wired to work. Toxin load is one of the main issues preventing pregnancy. Set your body up with intentional diet and lifestyle practices to re to help it do what it has been wanting and waiting to do for you.


You’re moving into confident expectation of expecting. Clearing away any fears you have to fertility, pregnancy or motherhood so your body feels safe and ready to move forward. Change the narratives around what getting pregnant is like, what you have to do or not do, embracing what you and your body are capable of and shifting into feeling excited, confident and happy about your fertility as your main state of being. How to navigate sharing about your process (or not) and relating to family and friends, own your ability to do the entire process your own way and move along the path that feels right for you.


The energetics (manifestation) of what I did to get pregnant and how to speed it up. What to think, say, and do while you are in the process of getting pregnant. Daily practices to help you hold the vision of you with your baby. No more waiting, you’re ready now. Living in the confidence and certainty you’ve done your part. How to perceive ‘trying’ each month so that it works for you and feels peaceful. What to focus on practically and energetically during potential times of conception each month to boost fertility. The actual practice I did the night Dash was conceived to bring him in.


BONUS #1: Fertility meditation and visualization to help navigate your day to day and keep you in baby body ready mode

BONUS #2: 50+ recipes to restore fertility that you can use for any meal of the day

BONUS #3: Daily done for you tool to help your subconscious mind get on board with you having a baby while you sleep (note: this is customized for 1:1 clients)

Only you decide what you and your body are capable of. Age, symptoms, a diagnoses, missing cycles, do not matter. They all have a root and reason and can be moved. You are the power that decides how things go. Your body already knows what to do and food is here to help it move into it’s most Baby Body Ready state.


  • Is this for me if I’ve done fertility treatments?

    • YES. The work we do here will help your baby adjust from conventional treatments and get into optimal fertility health

  • Is this for me if I haven’t done fertility treatments?

    • YES. This is exactly what I wish I knew before I did IVF that allowed me to get pregnant naturally.

  • Is this for me if I’ve had a child but want another?

    • YES. Secondary infertility has the same root causes.

  • Is this for me if I haven’t decided if I will do fertility treatments or am in the process of them now?

    • YES. Everything we do will help support cleansing your body, making the internal environment safe for pregnancy and fertility. It’s for any path you want to take to get pregnant, or bring a baby in, like I did with Dalton, you don’t have to know how, but you also can decide how.

    * Do you offer refunds?

    • No.. What you will learn in this course will change your life and show you how to create the healthiest body you’ve ever had. Please make sure you’re all in and ready before joining.

  • Will you coach me one on one?

    • There is an option for private coaching once you register, and I will answer your questions in the group chat and/or on our live group coaching calls.

Join below: Early bird pricing good through January 12TH! Save $200

Pay in full option: $550

Join with two monthly payments of $300

Message me on Instagram or Tiktok with any questions!

Jodi :)