What's been cooking...a personal note from me


This post has been a long time in the making :) Those of you who know my story or have been following me for awhile know about my fertility journey. I'm cognizant of the words I choose to use whenever I talk about this, I don't think of it anymore as my fertility struggles, or even use the word infertility. What I see is an opportunity to have a different journey than the traditional path most people take, but it was the driving force behind me digging into what's true about food, health and how our bodies really work. About 6 years ago my husband and I started the process of having a family and we found ourselves in the middle of a lot of overwhelming decisions on what options we had. This is the first thing I see completely differently now - there are always options, and what everyone else tells you to do or is 'the only way' is not true. You have to find out what is right for you. 

We went through 4 rounds of IVF and it messed me up physically and really took over my mindset for a few years. I thought everything was wrong instead of seeing what what right. I felt horrible and thought everything was horrible. Nothing was fun, nothing was working, I felt broken and angry, I didn't want to do this process that was making life hard when it used to be so great.

After realizing that continuing to do the same thing and get the same results was literally the definition of insanity, we took a much needed break, which was when I fully dove into holistic health, nutrition, food, what was going on that wasn't right. It made me learn what I know today, and that is what I teach all day long. I believe there are natural ways to heal, there are ways that the things we are doing in the world today are hurting us, processed foods, soda, alcohol, stress, anxiety, overworking, toxins everywhere. It's just too much and it's not the way it's supposed to be.

I know what's real, I know what's true and I have figured out a whole lot about what does work. So let's get to today!

In the past two years, my husband and I have been looking for a gestational carrier to help us carry our embryo. Out of an act of complete love and selflessness my sister came to us wanting and offering to be that carrier for our baby. We are so blessed, to have family like this, to have the ability to achieve life in this way, and I am so happy to report, that after about 7 years, my husband Heath and I are pregnant through my sister Kelly carrying our little baby right now. There's much to say but I'd love for you to read her side of the story about what brought her to this decision in wanting to be part of our story.

The decision to offer myself to Jodi and Heath as a gestational carrier was not a flippant one. Ever since the first thought entered my mind years ago, I had been discerning whether it was the right one. Without a doubt, I am convinced that this is the very thing I want to be doing today! I am thankful that they trust me enough to carry their first precious baby into the world and into our family. It was painful for me to see them face each struggle in the past years, and yet I felt so helpless.  What could I do, but to listen and pray and encourage her to keep seeking answers and to continue to be patient. We both believed that the time would come for a baby to be born, but we didn’t know how or when.

The ‘why’ behind my decision is very simple. It was affirmed over and over again when I sought the truth of what I deeply believe, that here was an opportunity for me to offer myself on behalf of someone else. The Bible states that “Christ’s love compels us.” Because I believe that I have been loved by a God that sacrificed on my behalf, then I am also motivated to love according to that model. Plus, my kids wouldn’t mind having more cousins! :)

So, here we are today! After a natural embryo transfer, we have had success! I am beyond excited to meet my niece or nephew and I have great joy in being lucky enough to be a part of his or her early development.

Congratulations, Jodi and Heath!

Jon, Kelly, Judah, Halle and Lena Kalvig