Ratatouille Salad

Because I make most things into salads....why this this too? Today I got up (at 5:45am because Dalton is waking up earlier now every day!) but it was good so I did an early workout and meditated and journaled in my sauna. After I showered my eggplant was calling my name so that was the inspiration for this Sunday lunch.


I will say I am VERY full right now because I have this problem with stopping eating vegetables, especially roasted and cooked ones. So while my stomach settles I will write this blog!

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I decided to do a combination of roasting and sauteing for the veggies because I believe roasting is the best way to cook eggplant. Otherwise it doesn't develop the same flavor (with all the spices I add to it). I roasted 1 eggplant in strips along with colored tomatoes using olive oil, salt and dried cilantro because I was out of oregano.



  • 1 medium eggplant
  • 1 red pepper
  • 3 cloves garlic
  • 1 head romaine lettuce
  • Green onions
  • Colored grape tomatoes
  • 5-6 baby mushrooms
  • Fresh chopped parsley
  • Dried cilantro (use oregano if you have or both)
  • Olive oil
  • Sea salt
  • Primal Kitchen Greek Avocado oil dressing



  1.  Heat your oven to 375 F on the roast setting
  2. Wash all veggies: slice eggplant into strips from top down and then into more long strips; rough chop the red pepper and slice mushrooms
  3. Toss eggplant and tomatoes in olive oil, salt and dried cilantro, add to heated oven and cook about 15-18 minutes, until browned on both sides
  4. Heat a skillet to medium low heat and add diced garlic and mushrooms (sprayed with olive oil) no salt until the mushrooms brown
  5. Next, add the chopped peppers and finish sauteing together with some salt and more dried cilantro and set aside
  6. Chop romaine, add to your bowl and toss with fresh chopped parsley and green onions (and a little salt)
  7. Once eggplant and tomatoes are cooked and cooled slightly, chop those and add to bowl with mushroom/red pepper mixture
  8. Add more fresh parsley and green onions to top and drizzle Greek dressing over the top!


You could definitely also add avocado and use that for a dressing too!

Did you try this recipe? Let me know how you like it and share with a friend who loves Greek Salads!