It's how YOU feel about the foods

Hey guys!

I recorded this audio training for you after some really good comments and conversation on Facebook and stuff that came through in my own journaling yesterday referring to how different foods affect each person differently. We KNOW this is true because if all foods created the same results, everyone who ate the same type of diet would get the same results, and they don’t so there you go.

It’s because each of you has your own unique perspective on everything, including foods, and rules about foods, what happens when you eat certain foods or you don’t eat them. It’s about your feelings ON these subjects that are powerful influencers. And your feelings in general.

The question that triggered this training for you:

Aren’t I not supposed to eat eggs for breakfast? I thought they were bad for me (us). This is paraphrased and based off what I DO TEACH about NO list foods and inflammation creation in the body. So please listen, leave me a comment, I’d love to know how this influenced you and how you look at, see, and FEEL about foods!


My newest and coolest and most upgraded and updated program to show you how to actually HEAL YOUR GUT with FOODS, NO food sensitivity tests needed! No pricks and pokes and searching outside of yourself any more!

The answers are INSIDE OF YOU and your entire digestive energy is dying to just flow for you!

4 weeks to truly and fully learn the ins and outs of foods, your digestive system, and the ENERGIES and vibrations they both hold and HOW to get them to work and play nicely together again :)

I USED to use the full on blood tests to work with clients in order to work on healing their digestion and all the inflammation in the rest of the body that supposedly ‘leaks’ out from leaky gut.


You don’t have leaky gut

You don’t need a blood test

You CANNOT possibly eat a plant, a fruit or vegetable, NO not even a nightshade and think that THAT or THOSE foods are in fact your problems. They are not.

Your ‘problems’ are that your gut energy is slow, sluggish, and a number of other things, all that will be HELPED and HEALED with the assistance of our best and most powerful foods  - PLANTS

But you might wonder HOW?

Well it’s simple.

Your body and it’s unique symptoms and signs that it’s totally screaming at you right now (you just need help deciphering what it’s saying to you) have some stagnant energy. Because your body knows exactly how to heal, what to do and how to take you all the way to where you want to be……

To your flat stomach

Your not bloated all day I feel and look 4 months pregnant stomach

The I can go out to eat anywhere and be FINE body

The body you want BACK

The body that fits into your favorite clothes

That isn’t afraid to go on dates, or out of with friends or to eat anything that’s not perfectly perfect or…….ELSE

You have to know:

Your body right now and ALWAYS is doing the best it can with what it has. So even though it feels like it sort of abandoned you, it’s right there with you. Helping you and being the best it CAN BE in this moment.

YOUR job is to clear the path.

To line up the energy so all the digestive energy and systems can flow and communicate again, better than ever even!

And to know that once you allow this massive hub of energy to FLOW AGAIN, that energy bursts out and then the rest of your systems and body and cells have more and better access to all that potent powerful healing energy.

We need to ease up on the digestion.

To let the energy catch up.

To soothe, to soften, to speed it up.

It’s about timing so you know what YOU need to know and when.

All of the foods you need are here now.

The order, the combinations, the reasons and understandings of them, and you don’t need a blood test. There are certain foods in the world that ARE THE TRIGGER foods and they are the SAME for all of us.

NOT an avocado.

Not a grape.

NOT an apple.

In our 4 weeks together you’ll learn HOW TO EAT to let things flow easily again.


You’ll learn your emotional part in this. What you FEEL affects and alters everything you eat and how you eat it. It LITERALLY is impacting you straight in the gut and THAT is what else has to come into place for you to get this.


With foods.

With your intuition.

With your life, relationships, decisions, and desires.

Inside you have that voice that is telling you you CAN totally have the full picture and image of body and heath you want.

TRUST YOUR GUT - you get to have what you want.

You get to heal.

You get to have your body back.


You get to do it in a way that makes sense to YOU.

NOT a hard, complicated elimination diet, or a load of supplements or medication or more tests to find out what’s wrong with you.

NOTHING is wrong with you.

And that energy is actually blocking your results.

This is looking at your body and health and powerful gut as energy systems.

Your foods, your emotions, beliefs and mindset and expectations = your body right now

So we address it all.

So you can be certain that you know how this works and never have to question foods, your body or capabilities again.

Are you in?

Trust your gut….and go with that.
