Get Excited For Those Cravings!
What IS a craving anyway?
I had a great conversation about this on a recent interview I did, about how cravings really depend on the mood or feeling place you are in when they arrive.
You can get cravings for healthy food but a sugar craving is likely the most common. While a craving for real food is HUNGER (hopefully), but those cravings for not so healthy foods like cake and chips and ice cream are literally you having trained your cells to want what you don't want to eat.
Your cells get used to you and how you live and operate, so that's why it feels hard to make changes sometimes. Your physical body literally wants you to keep eating the same because it's EASIER and it doesn't have to spend time thinking about it. You're just doing it all programmed, like all of life unless we PAY attention to what we are doing, thinking and feeling.
Your EMOTIONS drive you to the foods. So if you’re in a balanced mood feeling well, and aware of your hunger, you are way more likely to make a choice to eat something with veggies in it. But it’s those low vibrating emotions of stress, overwhelm, worry, feeling confused, lost and not so loved that drive us to the SUGAR.
Cravings are LEGIT.
When you crave sugar, it’s LEGIT.
Your body and brain literally need glucose. It’s just you need a translator! Your brain is saying, hey, I’m burning through glucose really fast in here because you are stressing and worrying and I need some GRAPES or PEARS or BANANAS! But your conditioned mind hears:
Or your thing, whatever it is!
So this is about really learning how to hear your own body, to know it’s tendencies, and to understand how food is playing a really important role for you.
You need to get ready for battle too when you decide to cut the crap foods out. I have been in that position of saying I wont’ eat the whole bag of pretzels and then for damn sure eating it again and again, but I wasn’t ready. I didn’t have my tools or knowledge.
When you stop eating the fake sugar, you MUST eat the real sugar the real glucose from your most powerful foods, that would be: FRUITS AND VEGGIES.
Every time you get a craving after you have stopped giving in to them, you need to understand this:
You DO need the good glucose so lean on your fruity friends to fill in that gap
You ALSO need your food friends to help you bust through the old emotions.