Dreaming of Green Beans
All I want is green beans - and cooked ones, no more raw vegetables. The juices are actually going fine, I have drank all three green juices. I packed them up in a cooler with me this morning since I had to go to Iowa City for a pre-transfer appointment. Our second round of IVF is going right now and we have another transfer next Wednesday. Everything went well and we are ready to go for next week, but the shots must start again - progesterone in oil shots start tomorrow night, and hopefully will continue for 12 weeks! That means the transfer took but also that I would probably have bruised hips - ouch.
Back to vegetables, I love love love vegetables and that is the food I miss the most during this cleanse. Solid vegetables I mean. I want to get a workout in, but I may have to talk myself into it a little harder today than most days. Here are a few things I've learned about cleansing in case you are contemplating one for yourself:
- Follow the pre cleanse guidelines, eliminate alcohol, dairy, meat (and chocolate chip cookies of course)
- Go to bed early, why not - then you get extra rest and are not awake to wish for a snack
- Do not watch Food Network
- Stay active and busy, go on a walk or run, yoga or pilates, do your laundry, paint your nails, keep yourself busy
- Make sure there are things your husband can eat and/or make easily for himself so you don't have to be around warm yummy food
- Be confident. Know that you can do this for 3 or 4 days, it is empowering!
I have a day and a half left at this point. Good news: Spicy lemonade is next. More good news: tomorrow is Friday and I think I can continue for one more whole day.