Don't make getting your dream body like a needy girlfriend

Don't make you 'getting' your body like a needy girlfriend.

That energy is so off putting.

Your dream body is the cute guy.

You are the drooling girl trying to get his attention and wanting him to like you or notice you.

He is like "whoa that girl over there is creeping me out I'm going to get out of here."

Your body when you are staring in the mirror wondering what you need to do/have to do/can do, when will it change? OMG I HAVE TO FIX IT NOW is like

ummm yeah I'll maybe come back around when you get back in your power.

NO ONE, not even your own body wants to be around that energy.

It's actually impossible too.
It's not a vibrational match.

YOU: I WANT THAT I don't HAVE that.
I NEED that I don't HAVE what I need.
I WANT that it's not here yet.

That energy is: I don't have it.
Therefore: It's not here. 
Therefore you don't have or see the results because it's not here.


I KNOW who I am. I know what I WANT. I get to have WHAT I WANT.
I get be healthy and happy and hot.
I get to look how I decide.
I know it's mine.
I'm doing my part. That's all I can do (besides this energy part which is HUGE)
It's coming. It's for sure. It's a done deal. There's NO WAY i'm not getting it.

It's mine.

That energy is: It's MINE. It's DONE. It's HERE.
Therefore: It's coming fast or it's here. that's YOU in your body where you love how you look and feel and what you see. 
Because you attracted it to you, instead of pushed it away.

Make sense?
Get into your power. Be in the right energy. And if you can't be in that energy without crying or getting mad or upset, then get off the subject and you better be meditating like it's your job because IT IS>

Soul fed sessions are open now!
6 weeks 1:1 with me.
Get your energy straight.
Understand the physical, practical, emotional and mindset aspects to changing your body and health.
This is going to be so fun.
Me in your ear, in your head, setting your brain straight so you believe and expect you get what you want.

details here! 💗🍓💗🍓

Jodi :)