Cucumber Cilantro Noodle Salad



Noodle bowls are everything these days especially for those of us who prefer to eat plant-based, gluten-free, and vegetable dense meals! I'm sure you have heard of all the cool things you can do with zucchini noodles, but what about cucumbers? This recipe was inspired by a dish I had a restaurant in Kansas City when I wen to visit my youngest sister. Something cool, light, crisp and fresh in your mouth tasting is perfect for a warm day, to bring to a picnic or grill out.

If you want to add some protein, I recommend fresh shrimp, crab or another really light fish.



  • 1 large organic cucumber (English if you have it - no seeds)
  • Handful of fresh cilantro
  • 2 kiwi fruit, diced
  • Himalayan sea salt
  • 1 cup of snap peas, chopped


  1. Spiral your cucumber into noodles
  2. Chop your fresh cilantro
  3. Cut your kiwi in half, spoon around the edges of your fruit, scoop it out, then dice it
  4. Snap the end of your snap peas off and remove the course edge, then chop
  5. Season veggies with salt


  • 1 Lemon (zest and juice)
  • Sea salt
  • 2-3 tsp olive oil
  • 2-3 Tbsp rice vinegar

Just shake the dressing up in a small glass container with a lid, I grated the zest of the lemon straight over the cucumber noodles. Toss it all together, and the longer it sets, the more flavor it will have!


NOTE: I would have loved to have used lime and lime zest in this recipe, but I was OUT!! It still tastes phenomenal using lemon, you could also try grapefruit zest or a mix of these all together.

Remember you can do tons of things even with this flavor base! Here are some ideas:

  • Swap the lemon for lime
  • Add some feta cheese
  • Add a protein
  • Add scallions
  • Mix in some fresh mint
  • Watermelon

See how many ways you can change this up and use it over and over? Let me know how you are using your veggie noodles to boost your nutrients and stay cool all summer long!