Cherry Coconut Sparklers


Do you remember drinking soda floats when you were a kid? I absolutely do - my favorite was root beer floats - A&W Root Beer and vanilla ice cream! So today I don't drink soda (acidic) or eat regular ice cream - but don't you think you still can't have it even better with whole foods! BECAUSE YOU CAN! This recipe is something you can make into at least three different treats. I'll tell you how, but first let's talk soda floats:



  • 1 can half fat organic coconut milk
  • 1 bag organic frozen cherries
  • Lime sparkling water
  • 4 Tbsp chia (Mila)


  1. Add the milk, chia and cherries to a Vitamix or blender
  2. Top it off with sparkling water


That's it! If you need it a little sweeter you can add a few drops of organic liquid stevia, mix it up a little so it doesn't settle.


coconut cherry spritzer copy


Recipe 2:

Blend the cherries and coconut milk just like before, in a small glass, add 2 Tbsp of chia to the cherry milk and let sit a few minutes to gel and voila! Cherry Chia Pudding!

Recipe 3:

Blend the cherries, coconut milk and chia again. Add in a banana if you like, and your choice of protein powder. I like vanilla flavored of course.



So there you go! Simple simple simple and you can mix and match it to what you need! Post what you are going to make below!