Green Juice Gummy Bears... Healthy enough for your kiddos? Is this too good to be true?


Have you ever been in the grocery store and gotten that oh-so-fun temper tantrum from the kiddos because they JUST HAVE TO HAVE the candy, the sugar cereal or something they can reach for kids-arms-length aisle hacking?

Well I've seen it many times (mostly at Target, not sure why....) but anyhow, I was in New York last weekend for a conference and I was NERDING OUT over making sure to go to Pressed Juicery, one of my favorite online fresh pressed juice shops for cleanses. They have physical locations in bigger cities so myself and my friends walked through cold drizzly rain to find one and order:




It was to die for. You could get a vanilla flavor too with dates, almonds and so many good things. But keep your eyes open because healthy alternatives are EVERYWHERE!

These little beauties sold out across the country (they are available for resale on their own) in less than 3 DAYS. But check them out, I'm sure they will be back in stock soon so you can give THESE to your kiddos instead of gummy vitamins that really are doing more harm than good.

Let me know what you do for healthy snacks and come follow me on Instagram for more healthy swap outs on meals, snacks and my favorite brands!


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