All the things BREAKFAST!


Are you confused about what to eat for breakfast? What's good/bad if it's the MOST important or should you skip it altogether?

Here are the things to know about what you eat in the morning!

🍌 To eat or not to eat: This is ASSIGNED to you in your human design, not what the Today Show said yesterday or your chiropractor or your bestie, it's in your design yes or no if FASTING is good for you. So just follow the way God made you

🍌Smoothies? yay or nay?

Yes of course - but you don't have to buy the $$$$ protein powders or superfoods, you CAN but you don't have to. What you DO NEED is the FRUIT baby. 🍊🍐🍎

My formula ALWAYS has a banana for functionality and taste. Because bananas do SO MUCH for you - digestively and to soothe and to heal, they are so USEFUL and easy to blend right? Add MORE fruit, next important is something green, and then a clean NON-DAIRY milk or just water.

🍌PROTEIN: Is it like THE most important thing?

Um no. See above. To work with your natural energy the BEST, fruit is the BEST in the morning, doesn't mean you can't have other things, just DO eat the fruit.

Eggs, bacon, sausage...vegan or otherwise, not really necessary - eat them if you WANT them, LIKE them and are CALLED to them (hint hint use your design) AND skip it first thing if you are really want to to change your body in FAST SPEED. Which you probably do 😆😆

🍌FAT: Do you need all the avocado, PB, nut butters, oils in your smoothies, coffees, lattes?


Again, it is harder to break down. You will slow down the overall gut speed, so speed it up then add in more fat (I don't recommend it every day)


Sure you can. Whatever you have is better than nothing when you're hungry. But make sure your leftovers are quality too.


Nothing wrong with them, look for gluten free. Look for GF oats, Buckwheat flakes, quinoa flakes that all cook LIKE oatmeal. ADD some more colorful plants to it!


Grab an unsweetened plant based yogurt. Like coconut or almond are very easy to find.


  • 1/2 cup gluten free oats

  • 1 cup water

  • chopped up dried apricots/dates

  • 1/2 chopped up apple

  • cinnamon

  • Plain unsweetened almond yogurt (I used Kite Hill)

  • homemade applesauce (could use store bought or omit)

  • A few chopped cashews

  • Almond milk

  • Coconut sugar (sub alternative if you like)


Add water and oats to pan, bring to boil with salt, chop and add dried fruit and apples and cinnamon, stir frequently turning down heat once boiling. Will cook in minutes.

Add in a little coconut sugar, mix in yogurt, applesauce and top with a few cashews and a little almond milk.


What do you usually do for breakfast?

There are SO many options, and if you are an active mind (in human design) you do need more food consistently, you're just making your body work harder without it, literally starving your brain.

Did you know in my Fueled & Focused course (we start Monday with lesson 1!!) that I give you all my food formulas?

I have a lesson for Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner/Snacks on the ENERGY of each meal, AND the best formulas that are easy and fast for each one.

PLUS all the recipes that go with them!

AND you will learn how your human design fits in with the natural way I teach energy and food so this is the most customized 'how to eat' for YOU that you will find.

Join me here!

I can't wait!

Fueled & Focused is for you if you:

-Don’t really LOVE cooking and it seems overwhelming

-Have no idea what to do with a squash but you heard it’s good for you

-Want to be HEALTHY like truly health and you KNOW that you need to shift into eating more plant based but don’t know HOW

-Are tired at the end of the day and making dinner (especially for more people than just YOU) is making you even more tired

-Are tired of going out of to eat or grabbing takeout or fast convenient foods that make you feel like CRAP-O-LA

-Want to be that healthy eater but it seems HARD

-Want to see the results of your efforts with food and not have to punish yourself in the gym

-Want to FEED YOUR KIDS real healthy food and know you need to be the example for them

-Don’t know what you’re looking for on a label so grocery shopping is hard, confusing and takes a long time

-Basically would love a healthy chef in your kitchen but that’s not happening at least right now….

-Want to drop the extra weight with the most EASE and NEVER go on a diet again

-Don’t want to do a cleanse, a Whole 30, or some other strict protocol that makes you feel like a failure if you want a cookie


I am so good at this - at helping YOU see food in a whole new way, in a way that works for YOU and your lifestyle, for you and your HUMAN DESIGN, and making healthy literally be FAST and EASY and accessible.

It HAS to be, you’re busy. And you want it all. I know I know.

I don’t spend hours cooking, I don’t even think about what I”m going to make before I make it.

Let me teach you my tricks! You will love how you eat, and love how you look and FEEL.

Seriously what are you waiting for? When you join I’ll add you to the FB group and you can get started on your Kitchen Edit and orientation. Lesson 1 is out on Monday!

Message me with any questions you have!

I also have a 1:1 upgrade option if you want me to work with your whole family for the 6 week session and add in private calls and Voxer support. OR if you just want a little more help yourself!

All the details here!

Jodi :)